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Special gears


Examples of customized drives:

  • Gearboxes for floatation machines
  • Gearboxes for Paper machines (Yankee drive, ..., Winch drive)
  • Kiln drives
  • Mill drives

Customers in the conditions of the global market have a wide choice of drive suppliers of serial products for a reduced price. But often the customer's choice boils down to:

- Customized/Special drives designed specifically according to the needs of their use, proven years of experience during the operation and increased durability but sometimes at the cost of purchase
- Standard products from serial production with very limited options lower initial investment cost, but uncertain duration and total cost during whole lifetime.

Initial costs of special gearboxes are usually higher in relation to serial products but after the lifetime and reliability come out as favourable. This is valid most for large and heavy machinery where the cost for every emergency stop are not comparable with the initial cost.
Customized gearboxes designed by Santasalo show often that special product can be the best and most effective solution. Manufaturer Santasalo knows deep specific needs and therefore can reach best proportion between costs and benefits. Drives can be designed together with customer and their equipment can be absolutelly unique.

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